Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year = New Beginning

As educators we are so fortunate to get a reset each year. At the beginning of each school year we get to start fresh with a new group of students, a new supply of materials, and a new attitude.  For some of my fellow teachers, they get to begin the new year with a new group of students since their course is a half-year offering.  Actually the start of a new calendar year is an opportunity for each one of us to start fresh, so why not try it in your classroom?

I have often said that teaching middle school is different every day because I never know who is walking into class that day.  My kids fluctuate constantly between cute little kids, uncertain tweens, mouthy teens, and mature young adults.  We need to give them the space, encouragement, and unconditional love that allows them to grow into the person they are meant to be.  But, we forget to give ourselves the same grace to grow and mature as educators.  If you are unhappy with the way your school year is going, make adjustments.  Are some things going better than you thought?  Do more of it!  As you take a much needed break to recharge the teacher batteries, spend some time reflecting on how things are going personally and professionally.  Then make adjustments to get 2017 off to an incredible start!

Here are a few changes I am looking to implement in January:

1.     Add a teacher mailbox.  My kids this year love notes.  The tootling board I set up in August is going strong and everyone loves to see a positive comment about themselves and enjoy writing them about others.  They also love to leave little notes on my desk about various things, so I thought adding a small mailbox for “notes to the teacher” would encourage them to keep the communication coming.

2.    Try an interactive bulletin board.  I have seen so many that look great, but haven’t taken the plunge yet.  By the time I was ready to think about getting one up we had finished that unit.  Time is always the enemy and I plan to get this off the ground by going with a more generic theme – Math With Friends.  Still tons to work out on the logistics, but I’m thinking of having my classes compete against each other using positive behavior reinforcement as the carrot.  Classes would need to have 100% homework completion for that day or a class average that exceeds a previously agreed upon amount on a test or other assessment or some other type of behavior that is being reinforced.  I’m hoping this will go well and I’ll be able to do a blog post on it in the near future.

Remember, you are the captain of your classroom.  Make it everything you want it to be for you and your students.  I’d love to hear your ideas for mid-year resets or ideas for keeping the momentum going in 2017.

Happy teaching and happy 2017!


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